Operational Programme
- Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation PA 2014-2020
- Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument for Projects of Common Interest.
Budget : 12m€
Public Expenditure
- 5,44m € (PA 2014-2020)
- 0,24 m € (CEF)
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project description
- Οne (1) Tie In Point between NNGS and TAP pipeline bidirectional.
- The project includes a Metering/Regulating station, a small connecting pipeline (aprox.250m) between the two systems and purchase of land for the M/R. The Station has been designed for unmanned operation with a technical capacity of 10 mil. Nm3/ day- capacity 3 Nbcm/y - 417,000 Nm3/h.
- Gas Flow from TAP to NNGTS due to the difference in the operating pressure,
The project is of great importance as it is expected to enhance the flexibility of the NNGTS and the security of supply
DESFA gas project receiving co-funding in the framework of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument for Projects of Common Interest. PCI "Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Metering Regulating station at Nea Messimvria for the interconnection with TAP" call 2016
The European Commission has decided to award a grant to DESFA after an online application by DESFA , TSO, on 27th April 2016 to INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) for the Action, conduct a study: «Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Metering Regulating station at Nea Messimvria for the interconnection with TAP». The grant for the action is of a maximum amount of EUR 243,250 (50.00% of the eligible costs of the action) in the framework of CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY (CEF) - ENERGY SECTOR, funding instrument of the European Commission which is managed by INEA under the powers delegated by the European Commission.
On 5th September 2016 the kickoff meeting of the Grant Agreement took place at INEA premises and the action and its time schedule execution was presented by DESFA and the Grant Agreement was dully signed.
The Action defines technical requirements design parameters and specifications, operational systems, the main project costs and it identify the key project risks. Thus it facilitates the preparation of the subsequent Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) tender and contract together with the technical documentation, the cost estimation and the EPC time schedule.
Procurement was executed in compliance with the "Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and repealing Directive 2004/17/EC Text with EEA relevance", which was amended by "Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2171 of 24 November 2015 amending Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council in respect of the application thresholds for the procedures for the award of contracts (Text with EEA relevance)".
A Safety and an Environmental and Social Impact assessment (ESIA) are included in FEED to justify the site selection in compliance with the National and European legislation. During ESIA a consultation of relevant stakeholders and public authorities took place.
DESFA in terms of the Action acquired and received the Decision of Approval of the ESIA by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
Also in terms of the Action DESFA has obtained the Installation Permit for the Metering and Regulating Station at N. Messimvria and the Ministry of Environment and Energy has issued the Installation Permit.
DESFA has being monitoring the management of the Grant Agreement contract and has reported to INEA the progress and the costs of the Action as per contract. The Action contractual completion date is 31st March 2018.