An important energy asset
The Revithoussa LNG Terminal is located on the islet of Revithoussa, in the gulf of Pachi at Megara, 45 km west of Athens.
The Revithoussa LNG Terminal belongs among the twenty-eight (28) LNG terminals that operate today in the wider Mediterranean region and in Europe and the only one in Greece that receives LNG cargoes, temporarily stores and regasifies LNG and supplies the National Natural Gas Transmission System.
With a storage capacity of 225,000 m3 LNG and a regasification capacity of 1,400 m3/h as a Sustained Maximum Send out Rate, the Terminal is an important energy asset for Greece, providing security of energy supply, operational flexibility in the transmission system and increased capability to meet peak gas demand.
Revithoussa Terminal is designed in accordance with the strictest safety standards both for its employees and for the residents of the surrounding areas and operates under the requirements of the Seveso Directive (Directive 2012/18/EU).
The used LNG technology procedures and operations (loading, storage and gasification) are environmentally friendly and strictly compliant with Greek and European legislation. The highest safety standards and its respect for the environment are constantly verified and certified by independent parties as the facility is certified for the Safety Management System it applies ISO 45001 and ISO 14001.
In order to enhance the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the National Natural Gas System, DESFA has made a number of significant investments in the energy infrastructure of our country and the continuous improvement of the facilities of the LNG Terminal.
In October 2007 and December 2018, the 1st and 2nd upgrading phases of the Terminal were completed respectively, ensuring
a. increased storage capacity of the Terminal from 130,000 to 225,000 m3 LNG.
b. increased LNG gasification capacity
c. the docking of larger LNG cargoes up to Q max index.
The Terminal can now manage bigger LNG volumes and maintain larger energy reserves reinforcing the market liquidity and Natural Gas supply security for Greece.
In April 2009, the strategic role of the LNG Station was further enhanced by the operation of the High-efficiency Cogeneration Unit (CHP) of 13MW capacity that uses natural gas as fuel. This investment ensures the electrical autonomy of the Terminal whereas its thermal energy recovery capability and its use in the gasification process of liquefied natural gas increases the unit efficiency to 90%. It is a characteristic example of environmental protection and energy efficiency.
In an international environment, where energy is a key factor for growth and quality of life, DESFA is strengthening one of Greece's most important energy infrastructures, to effectively meet the current and future energy needs of the country.
The implementation of the critical projects of the LNG Terminal of Revιthoussa, with a budget of over 250 million euros, has been co-financed by funds of the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union through the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)", the Operational Programs "Competitiveness" (EPANII and EPAN), in the context of the NSRF 2014-2020, NSRF 2007-2013 and the 3rd CSF 2000-2006 respectively.