Αccording to the provisions of article 92 of the Network Code DESFA establishes and set in public consultation the Draft Development Plan for the years 2023-2032 in Greek and English language. For the establishment of the Draft Development Plan, the TSO takes into consideration the outcomes of the NNGS Development Study as well as:
- Elements of the current and the estimated supply and demand of natural gas.
- The fulfillment of public service obligations and the assurance of natural gas supply in a credible and cost-effective way.
- The improvement of the NNGS efficiency and the ensuring of its orderly operation aiming at the prevention of congestions, emergencies and refusal of access.
- The supply of new areas with natural gas and the ensuring of new Users’ potential access.
- The protection of the environment.
- The Ten Years Development Plan (TYDP) in European level in accordance with the provisions of element (b) of paragraph 3 of Article 8 and of paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Regulation 715/2009.
- The sustainability of the works included in the Plan and their potential financing outside the framework of the Development Plan.
Regulatory Authority for Energy approved with decision no. Ε-68/2023 of 29th June 2023 the Development Plan for 2023-2032.
List of Small Projects
Αccording to art. 95 of NNGS Administration Code, as valid, DESFA publishes a List of Small Projects.
The List of Small Projects includes:
- Small Projects which have been included in Development Plan 2023-2032
- Small Projects which have not been included in Development Plan 2023-2032 and comply with the requirements of art. 94 par. 5 of NNGS Code
Southern Corridor Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP)