DESFA referring to
- The letter no O-98243/27.10.2022 of the Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) by which the Authority informed the Operator regarding their approval on Access Rules of Access to the Floating Storage Unit (FSU) and asked him to announce immediately the available time slots for unloading LNG Cargoes into the FSU, taking into account the provisions that set out in Preventive Action Plan and in particular in article 5.2.2 (Action Δ4) thereof, according to which "Immediately after the approval of the Preventive Action Plan, DESFA announces the availability of storage space for seasonal (November 1 - March 31) storage of the LNG Security Stock during said time period, as well as the available slots for the unloading of these quantities of LNG".
- The note no 2131.23/2022 of the Director of the A Branch of the Port Authority, with which approval was granted for the discharge of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from an LNG carrier to the FSU during the period from 20.10.2022 as 15.11.2022 under the condition that "A BACK-UP TUGBOAT WITH THE APPROPRIATE HORSEPOWER SHALL BE IN IMMEDIATE READINESS DURING THE DURATION OF THE WORKS"
invites LNG Users who:
- as Power Producers have the obligation to maintain security reserves, in accordance with Δ4 Action of the Preventive Action Plan, or
- serve Power Producers who have the obligation to maintain security reserves, in accordance with Δ4 of the Preventive Action Plan,
who wish to unload LNG quantity in the FSU during the period from 31.10.2022 to 10.11.2022, for the injection of LNG including LNG Security Reserves of Power Producers, as provided in article 5.2.2 of the Preventive Action Plan, to submit relevant application to the DESFA until November 1st, 2022, 07:00 local time.